To Guest Curate a firstTHURSDAY event, please submit the below check list to:

Lisa Moren
Imaging and Digital Arts, Visual Arts
UMBC, FA#111
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore MD 21250

concreteSTREAM.UMBC.EDU is seeking Guest Curators for one hour programs entitled firstTHURSDAYS to be both netcast at concreteSTREAM.UMBC.EDU, and simultaneously screened at UMBC. Programs should evolve around a specific theme, and be experimental, social or creative in nature. Themes have in the past, or may include: info-bodies; pornography; time-based poetry; experimental narratives; mirroring; data wars; data memories; culture jamming; concrete aesthetics,, tele-theater, virtual commodities, communities or bodies; simulated dialogs, etc.

Each first Thursday of the month concreteSTREAM will present a one hour netcast theme by Guest Curators and provide international publicity through our listservs, mailing and printed matter in conjunction with the Visual Arts Department Visiting Artist Lecture Series.

Guest Curators should submit:

- a one hour tape on VHS or DV NTSC (preferred)
- a title of the program
- a 50-word or less description of the program
- names of artists including titles of projects

Guest Curators must receive permission from the artists prior to allowing concreteSTREAM to netcast their work.

For questions regarding submissions or programming contact:

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